I close my eyes

And something dies

Reality doesn’t match these lies

I speak with sighs

My heart won’t rise

Held down with hidden ties

I’m not awake

I cannot break

Can’t let go for your sake

Is it fake

This choice I make

To give and give and never take

I love you so

I hope you know

I pray you never meet my inner foe

I want you to grow

To shine and glow

To be who you are and let it show

Inner Turmoil

Closet Confession by Toni Cross

Safe in darkness
Hiding here
Amongst the clothes
of yesteryear
My place of silent
Haven where none
will intrude
I hide from life
I hide from self
Beneath the shoes
up on the shelf
Closed in by dust
and memories
I freely breathe
where no one sees

Age… by Toni L.A. Cross

Age is a sly old stranger

who comes at the close of the day

Age is a regular charmer

who begs to come and stay

Age is like the furniture

you know him like your stairs

Age is a sly old stranger

he’ll catch you unawares